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Motivating the Actual you to become the Ought you so the Ideal you can shine
Here at a2o2i we intend to educate you on how Cognitive Motivation improves a person’s drive to be and do better this requires an understanding of how people view and present themselves. According to psychologist Dr. Edward Higgins, people have three types of self: the ideal self, the ought self, and the actual self. The ideal self is what a person hopes to become, the ought self is how a person should behave to obtain his or her ideals, and the actual self is a person's true, current behaviors and attitude.
The ideal and ought selves inspire people to be better and avoid mistakes providing that intrinsic motivation. Cognitive Motivational stimulus triggers reminders of the ideal self, spurring people to focus on reaching their dreams. What’s more important, people who display Cognitive Motivational messaging in their environment often cultivate a reputation for determination and effectiveness. Thus, to maintain that positive status, such people must work harder to live up to those messages. Placing Cognitive Motivational Messaging in a office setting or group workspace increases the likelihood those in that environment will strive for accountability to their dreams, as well as alerting anyone present that they are working in an environment of achievement promoting an attitude of urgency in accomplishing targeted results.
Numerous studies show finding that when strategically placed motivational messaging has positive behavioral effects. However it should also be noted the effects decrease back to zero gradually over a span of just weeks after the removal of the messaging from the targeted environment.
The Calendar
Calendars capture the attention and set the tone by stressing the importance of progress with a sense of urgency. A must have for any driven individuals workspace or even on the refrigerator for the entire household to benefit from. Cognitive Motivational delivered on a thick but pliable moisture proof covering so it's protected from drink spills or accidental messes that occur during working lunches or other meals and no more flipping pages each month or fear of tearing under its own weight the last half of the year and it's durability insures it will survive relocation if ever needed. Click to purchase a calendar.
Artful Enhancements
The Priority Lists
Elegantly displayed and eye catching in full color conveying the perfect message to you and everyone in the environment on the value of time and the importance of achievement. Encased in a thick but pliable "dry erase" covering for reuse as often as needed, and it won't tear under its on weight if relocated plus it's protected from coffee spills or accidents from working lunches. The perfect Cognitive Motivation for accomplishing priorities placed in any office, boardroom, meeting room or conference room for individual, work group or organizational use.
Click to purchase a Priority-List.
Studies of motivational displays strategically placed to have effect at point of decision and focused on workplace production, regardless of the target population has been shown to be a useful tool.
-MIT University-
It's not entirely without merit; the things we surround ourselves with every day do say something about us. -MoneyWatch-
Many of today's business winners seem to be surrounding themselves with real-life, no bull[expletive] messaging. -CBS Interactive-
A study conducted by G. Ryan and D. Dzewaltowski in conjunction with the University of Kansas hypothesized that visual displays that encouraged positive behavior would increase that behavior.
-University of Kansas-
Strategically placed visual cues designed to change the physical environment to influence individuals to make active rather than inactive behavioral choices are effective. -Eastern Illinois University-
Displays of motivational images and words can have positive behavioral effects on those in the environment. Research shows placement of a motivational display that promotes a desired action with the option of a alternate choice of action, doubled the occurrence of the desired action.
-Mutrie and Blamey, of the University of Glasgow and the Greater Glasgow Health Board-
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